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Land of Tornados

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:47 pm

She let out a grumpy groan. Rubbing her eyes firmly before standing up right. Pausing in mid rubing of her eyes as she looked overin the direction of where she felt something strange. Negitive energy. Someone was about to cast a spell close by. Leaning over she placed her hand gainst the wall firmly.

"Brace yourself."

She grumbled towards him as she waited to feel just heavy the blast was going to be, barcing herself for it..

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:19 pm

He knew something was up and in an instant he had rebellion drawn. He headed to the door to see what emitted such a dark aura. As he went to open the door an explosion knocked him to a wall. Dazed, he got up groggy, a laugh could be heard.

"Really? That's it? Allllll that warning for just this," he scoffed, "Pathetic. Well kid, you had a fun run. Time to go back. Leader's missed ya."

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:33 pm

She stared at te new person who had just blon the frnt door off ranomly. Seriously finding no point in being so flashy. Maybe he liked being flash and noticeable. Must likely his way in of getting attention. She was't intimidated by him. Se was more annoyed at the fact that she had such a rude awaking. Moving away from the wall carefully, giving her eyes another tired rub.

"Someone is beyond annoying..."

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:56 pm

"Well for good measure.....let's make sure you can't resist that much" The man approached Stry with 4 steel stakes. With a sickening crunch, he drove the stakes through his arms and legs. The man took sick pleasure in the screams the boy made and it almost motivated him to drive the next in deeper, harder. With the boy incapacitated he turned his attention to the other person in the group.

"So, what's your history with 'im. Or are ya just gonna gawk like an idiot?"

Last edited by Stryfer on Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:10 pm

the sounds of his cries snapped herfrom her tired state. Her eyes wdely as she wittness what jus took place. Stunned at first before stepping in and give the strange man a shove. Pushing him away from stry. Standing between the two of them.

"What the heck are you doing?! Are you insane?!"

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:36 pm

Pain. Searing pain. He tried to move. More pain. He cried out in despair as the shock had him teetering in and out of consciousness. He heard something call out to him, talk to him. Tell him things were all right. All he had to do was just succumb to sleep. It sounded tantalizing....but no he wouldn't do it. He had to fight.

He pulled his arm through the stake and grabbed his Vow of Sin. The sword seemed to purr in his arms, happy for what looked to be a fresh meal. All of a sudden, he was surrounded in black, it moved to him, moved around him. The stakes he had been impaled by flew off in different directions, as did almost everything around him. He smiled, his aura now had a sinister feel to it as he slowly walked to the man that had tried to pin him down


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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:54 pm

She ket her attention focused on the man before her. Glaring until a sudden death chill trickled down her back. Freezing her breath suddenly from the sheer blood lust that coated the air. Turning her head back towards Stry, shocked and confused by the aura emittin from him. The sdden rush o projectiles flying pasted her made her flinch. Closing her ees quickly. Wrapping her arms arund herself as a reaction to protect
herself. Unsure of what was going on.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:13 am

Amazement. Fear. Disbelief. He couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

"But....But I had you there!!! Stay back! Stay BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Words. Empty words. How funny. Just minutes ago he had been mocking him, telling him how weak he was. Now look at him. Pathetic. Now that he knows how weak he is, he's humble. Like hell.

Stryfer's wicked smile never faded as he rushed towards the man. One cut. Two cuts. An arm. Hair. Everything was being rended from this person. The man's cries and screams never faded, Stry never wanted them to fade, they were music to his ears. He laughed, not for long, not loud, but loud enough, long enough to be heard. After the man had lost a significant amount of limbs and blood, Stry was almost disappointed that the man was well on his way to the afterlife. So for a parting gift, Stry plunged the Vow of Sin into his chest. The sword was surrounded in dark energies and the man was engulfed in a pillar of black. As he grabbed the sword, he laughed, now that it was full, the Vow wouldn't harass him anymore. although if this is what he felt he supposed he could feed it every so often more.


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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:31 am

She piled as she wittnessed the scene before her. As if someone had open a vavle and drained all of the blood from her. She swallowed the lump in her throat before looking way about midway in. Never had she seen anyone hack and slice away at another human beinging. Heck she had never seen anyone slatter an animal in such a way. It made her uneasy and sightly sick. A chill ran through her as she grasped her arm firmly. Unaware of the small cut on her forearm as she wrapped her ar
ms around herself firmly. Slowly backing away from them.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:50 am

The sword lost its influence on him, as the boy stepped toward her, intent on finding the new source of blood. He took a step, and his body failed him, he fell to the floor rather hard.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:04 am

She flinched again as he hit the floor hard. Keeping her arms wrapped around herselffirmly as she kept her eyes on him firmly. Taking a few more steps back.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:33 am

He struggled to get up. Any trace of madness in him was either gone or very well hidden. He walked toward Kanu.

"Are you alright Nu?"

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:55 am

ahead stepped back as he approached her. gripping her areas firmly, holding the bleeding cut on her right forearm. unable to speak, she was scared to answer him. she thought she might be the next one sliced and diced.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:59 am

"What's.....wrong Nu?" He tried to reach out to her.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:01 pm

"you don't recall... wha you just did??"

She backed herself into a wall. Blood leaking out around her finger from the cut on her arm.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:34 pm

The boy was a little dazed. He didn't quite understand what her problem was. Only that she was very scared of him. For that matter, where was that man that drove stakes through him? It couldn't have been a dream, the pain was all too real. He looked at the Vow. It was oddly quiet, this usually never happened. His head hurt.

"What did I do?" he asked, giving her a puzzled look.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Meanwhile in the skies above......... (enter the Mech-fan and Limey)

Post  LunaHanaNoir Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:54 pm

"Okay Limey!!!! Lets go for max out the booster!!!"she grins as she add more Nos the rocket booster turbo fuel tank. The little lime green alpaca look back at with the same "oh god she at it again face" ( you know that face that all pets make when you doing or doing to something is stupid) that he give her at least once a day. He lets out a small sigh and then looks for the emergency release for the alpaca rocket and the release for his parachute.."Hey what the matter boy..... you don't look so well..... What so bad about a little wind..." She looks puzzled at lime green friend when she should be look ahead at the field of funnel clouds before them.Looking up for moment she freaks out, hitting the emergency. The moment this happen Limey looks back her with a " you fool face " ( you know that face your pet makes when they think you are off your rocker or the one that it makes when you have done something that is so moronic there no way it will end up well for you) then pull the release for his parachute, floating away as one of the booster start to smoke from wind speed of the cyclone her in." You Damn Trader!!!!" she looks to the cyclone that is basically in her face," I have a to think fast or I'm screwed" Thinking fast she jump off in the cyclone as she cyber up for the impact with the windy doom before her eyes.


Seconds feel like hours as her body is twisted and turned in the wind of the cyclone as the pressure of the wind start to rip apart part of armor, but just as fast as she jump into this wind full hell in the sky she was spit out with armor half off she falling to earth. Her out-cold body fall though the roof of a house, she lays there lifeless and still as if she was dead.
" Yuka nee-san going to kill me for this one...... I hope I'm dead this time.."she mumbles as she open one to see where she is............


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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:11 pm

Nu.....Your arm's....Are you------ *Crash*"

The boy was suddenly knocked unconscious by a falling object.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:30 pm

The sudden crash made her cover her mouth quickly. Stifling any sound from her as she stared at the rubble that fell on top of him. Staring wide eyed at the pile then the ceiling then back down once again. Unsure of what she could do. After the last few bits of debris fell, prancing in place a few times before scurrying to the pile and starting to through it.

"oh no oh no oh no oh no, Stry! Hang in there!"

The fear she felt washed away as she frantically tried to dig him out.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:38 pm

He woke up several hours later. The last thing he remembered was that something fell. He checked his body, nothing broken anymore, he felt better than he was before the crash. It didn't seem weird to him, he got up and walked into the living room.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:00 am

"Ssss Ow.."

She hissed from the living as she sat in one of the chairs. changing the bandage around her arm for the second time for the afternoon. After the random guy then some girl crashing through the ceiling, finding a descent bed to place the poor girl in while she was knocked out. Then having to move Stry back to his own room, She was spent for the afternoon. done with the excitements and done with having to deal with her swore arm that was just finally stopped bleeding. She simply sat there grumbling to herself. Having to tie her hair up high to keep her strands out of the way of her bandaging work.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:09 am

He followed where he heard the hiss to a chair, Nu was on it, her arm bandaged.

"Oh it's you, Nu. Is your arm okay?" The boy seemed genuinely concerned about her. Something had unnerved her and he had no clue what. He sat across from her.

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:23 am

Her gaze shifted towards him as he entered the room. watching carefully as he took a seat across from her. a bit uneasy about him herself still. carefully wrapping her arm up once again.

"Yeah... I'll be fine."

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:24 am

"Mind if I take a look?"

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Land of Tornados - Page 4 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:50 am

She shyed away slightly from him.

"Umm.. sure I suppose."

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