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Land of Tornados

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:01 pm

"Hey. What's up?" He said flatly, his body once again piqued but the chains had focused him somehow, in the chaos of throwing his clothes back on, sans his jacket, his silver pendant shone brightly in the moonlight.

Last edited by Stryfer on Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:08 pm

she tilts her head to him. Eying the chains around his wrist. Opening hr mouth o question the scene before her and then changing her mind. Shaking her head slightly as she stood up. Grabbing another glass and filling it with water before carefully approaching him. Offering he glass of water to him with a smile.


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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:28 pm

He took the water and sipped at it. His throat was dry and this hit the spot quite well.

"So....go by anything besides Kanu? Sounds so.....formal," he quipped.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:42 pm

" heh do you go by anything besides Stryfer?"

She smirked before wandering over and taking her seat at the table. Picking up her glass and taking nother sip from it. Resting her elbow against the surface of the table. Reaching her chin in the palm of her hand.

"Nah. Mother simply gave me the name of Kanu. I guess she liked the name."

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:00 pm

"Well I don't think I go by any other names...." The boy answered quizzically.

He took another sip of water and relaxed a bit more.

"So what's with the icicles? The transforming too for that matter. Y'know it's not nice to scare someone like that," he quipped. She wasn't dangerous, so he figured banter was more than appropriate. The banter also provided a brief departure from his emotions at the time.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:14 pm

she chuckles placing her glass down on the table and rested her other elbow on the table. Resing her head in the palm of her hands as she stared towards him.

"Heh. You act as if you haven't seen a magic class before. Tha should answer the icicle part. My transformation? "

Sh leaned back in her chair as she crossed her arms over her chest. Leaning back on her back chair legs. Balancing herself with ease.

"To put it simple. I'm a Hybird. Half Human, half Halfkin. Though I like the halfkin part of me more. It helps save magic energy. Plus people don't want to mess with a kid too much. Or at least someone they think is a kid. "

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:38 pm

He blushed, thinking about the trouble he'd caused her. Although he could see why. She was beautiful, and powerful. He got over his attraction and thought of what next to ask.

"So, 'Nu, about....earlier...." He blushed, he didn't want it to go this direction, but it couldn't leave his mind. A slip of the tongue caused this to be even more awkward.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:11 am

She rocked on her chair legs, brows raised to his little nickname and his words. Tilting her head slightly to the side before bringing hr chair back down on all 4s with a soft thud.

"Hmm? Which time?" She chuckled softly.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:14 am

He blushed a deep red.

"Th-the kiss...."

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:23 am

A light red tent covered her cheeks suddenly. Shifting her gaze to he side sightly. Shifting in her seat. Looking down at the floor slightly as she rubbed the back of her lightly.

"Oh... that..."


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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:28 am

He felt bad for bringing it up, then he noticed a different kind of embarassment on Nu's face.

"Wait....don't tell me that was...."

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:24 pm


Her head jerked up towards him, staring at him briefly till his words register. Holding up her hands defensively as she waved them about in responce about the subject.

"Oh no no no. Don't worry about it. You weren't feel well so its no big deal. Really its not. No harm done so everything is fine!"

She laughed a bit to try and cover up her own embarrassment.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:01 pm

Thinking quickly, he attempted to change the subject.

"Well.....erm....tell me about yourself."

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:02 pm

A wave of relief washed over her as he changed the subject. Pressng her lips together as she emitted a faint hum sound. Pondering briefly to his question as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Well what would you like to know? I'm from a village located in Witchcraft forest. my father is a human my mother is a halfkin. But because of her size, she is easily mistaken for a short human. When she's actually above avrage height for a halfkin. I'm one of two childern. I have an elder brother . We both travel around on our own so we're rarely home. My parents are travelers as well. But we all gather back to our home in Witchcraft forest every now and then."

She pondered tilting her head back, wondering what else there was to really add. She didn't mind answering questions. At least to those she thusted enough to answer for them. He seemed harmless enough. So she didn't mind answering his questions.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:25 pm

He pondered his next question. He decided to go with one that was nagging at him since the bathroom incident.

"How....can you do that ice thing....?"

The boy was generally in awe of her power. He had never seen anyone use magic save for a few fire users he had killed in one of his "tests". The concept of magic fascinated him nonetheless, and he'd love to know more.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:33 pm

"Wow you must not get around a lot huh?"

She chuckled to his interest in what she was able to do. She wasn't teasing to be mean, it was just surprising that he was unaware of how she went about almost causing him freezer burn. Pondering for a brief moment, looking around the room for a moment before holding up her index finger. Once again the room's temperature dropped suddenly. A low fog filled the room slowly as icicle crystals started to form around her once again. Floating in mid air as their mass began to grow.

"Its a defenses spell that halfkins have. It in cases my body in a icy shield. If anyone where to touch me, physically or indirectly. As in throw magic projectile, my shield will return damage to them. If one were to continuously attack me, it will stack 3 times and do continuous damage to them over time. The shield only last for a few minutes, but it's helpful to get out of a tight spot."

With a flick of her finger, she'd cancel the spell casting. causing the ice crystals to burst into icy dust one after another. Returning the room back to its normal temperature.


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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:46 pm

The temperature dropping fascinated him. He secretly wished he could do it, alas he had no aptitude for elemental magic.

"That's pretty cool, still..."

He relaxed as the temperature regulated, with no more questions bugging him,

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:59 pm

She smiled looking at him. Leaning into the table as she propped her elbows against the surface. Resting her chin in the palms of her hands as she looked over towards him frim across the table. Her feet swinging back and forth in a childish manner.

"So... Where are you from? if you don't mind me asking."

She was a bit shy to ask. Not wanting to be too nosy, yet being curious as to where he may have come from.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:07 am

His face sunk, his happy expression gave way to a cold and emotionless one.

"I....don't know...I's a long story" He completely shut down. "I'm gonna go check something in my room..." Such a horrible lie. But it got him out of that room nonetheless.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:18 am

She frowned watching him get up and leave the room. pressing her lips together firmly as she looked down at the table top.


She respond softly as he walked out. It was understandable as to why he was uninterested in sharing that information with her. She didn't want to prey and make him uncomfortable. sighing gently once she was alone. She made her way out of the kitchen area and headed back to her room. quietly closing the door quietly behind her. wandering over to her bed before flopping over on to it it a huff. her messy bun coming undone before she landed on the bed. Silver blue strands of hair flowed around her as she stared aimlessly at the wall. slowly starting to doze off while the soft rumbles of a store rolling in across the sky could be heard. The rumbles growing louder as the storm crept closer.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:42 am

The night was hell, his body wouldn't let him rest with its urges. And now his mind wouldn't let him rest without memories of his last 3 years. Burning. Killing. Being stabbed. Being subjected to every pain imaginable. Nightmares plagued him and he found himself up in the middle of the night. He wondered if she was up. If she would still mind talking. Anything to steer his mind away from those awful memories was more than welcomed. He made his way to her room. But he couldn't bring himself to go in. What right did he have to just barge in and talk. He sat near the door, arms around his legs, and tried to fall asleep once again.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:16 am

the storm outside raddled the buildng to its very foundation. The window raddling to the heavy wind blow. She groaned in her seep as she peeled her head from her pillow. Glancing at the window. A flash of lighting danced across the the night sky suddely, causing her to jump slightly in her tired state. Whimpering softly as she rolled off the bed. planting her feet on the floor. Staggering towards the door as she pulled it open. Half asleep state, silver blue stands of hair flowing down along her shoulders and back as she rubbed her eyes. Stepping out one step then noticing him sitting at her down. Swaying side to side then slumping down on to her knees, Slumping over against him. her head resting gainst his shoulder as she sat on the floor beside him.

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:17 am

Morning in Cyclone. Repugnant. Why the hell would anyone stay here? Well the boy was on the run, but he could've at least chosen a better looking place. Maybe a place that the organization didn't already sacrifice. Some bloodshed would be nice. After all, the cult needs daily sacrifices to run their plans, and it was fun too. Maybe he could have some fun with the brat once he caught him. The boss didn't say he had to be unharmed, he would just chalk it up to the fight.

"Now where is he......" He began walking around the town.

"Unnnh....." Stryfer woke up from his rest. Something was up he could sense another presence. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he tried to get up.


He had to cover his mouth to prevent himself from yelping out loud. Nu was next to him, her head resting on his shoulder, his arm in her embrace. He blushed crimson before poking her.

H-Hey.....wake up...

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Kanu Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:23 pm

A soft groan escaped her as she was stired in h er sleep. Brows flared

as she slowly opened her eyes. Rubbing them gently with the back of her hands as she sat up right sightly. Half asleep and very much wanting to go back to the other half asleep to com
plete the full asleep state.

"Hmm? What's wrong..?"

Se was a bit confused. Not only as to why he was waking her, but where she was. Was she in the hallway..?

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Land of Tornados - Page 3 Empty Re: Land of Tornados

Post  Stryfer Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:25 pm

There was only one place that still had a door, and what a coincidence that the place was flooded with dark energy.
"Too easy."
He began scouting the outside, no sign of him, but he was in there. he placed a slip of paper on the door and went to find some cover to chant his incantation.

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